The governments of Kenya and Uganda will establish official points of entry and exit (PoE) in Konyao (West Pokot County), Muluanda (Busia County) and Lomokori (Turkana County) on the Kenya-Uganda border.

Kenya Government officials visited the sites and later held a meeting with a delegation from Uganda at the Busia One Stop Border Post (OSPB).

Once established, the new PoEs will add onto the 29 that are already in existence and also help in the promotion of legitimate trade and travel between the two countries.

The delegation from Kenya was led by Border Management Secretariat (BMS) Secretary Mr. Kennedy Nyaiyo. He was accompanied by Busia County Deputy Governor (DG), Mr. Moses Mulomi, Busia County Commissioner John Korir with Major Martha Asiimwe leading the Ugandan delegation.

Mr. Nyaiyo said Kenya has in excess of 200 acres of land along its border with Uganda, which gives it access to more border points.

“The Muluanda PoE requires up to 50 acres of land for establishment. This gives space for other points to be opened,” he added.

He noted that the PoE will help Kenya lower the cost of transportation and secure more revenue as it serves other landlocked nations competing for business within the region.

Speaking at Muluanda during the site visit, DG Mulomi said the third POE in Busia (the others are Busia and Malaba OSPB) will make a difference, noting that it will enhance trade and facilitate exchange of goods and services.

“Kenya and Uganda enjoy cordial relations. So this development is great news for our countries,” he said.

“It’s worth noting that 43 per cent of trade between Kenya and Uganda passes through the Busia and Malaba border points; fish exports to the Great Lakes region also pass through the two border points,” he added.

Mr Nyaiyo said more border points will be opened, adding that H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta directed that Muluanda be established as an official PoE.

“After this successful meeting with officials from Uganda, we shall start working towards the realization of the Mulanda PoE which will help decongest Busia and Malaba,” said Nyaiyo.

Major Asiimwe said Uganda is partnering with Kenya in many areas including trade, infrastructure, security, health, education and agriculture among others.

“The establishment of the Bunyide PoE on the Ugandan side and Muluanda in Kenya will help de-congest Busia PoE and enhance trade. It will also uplift livelihoods of people on both sides of the border,” said Major Asiimwe.