A Facilitator’s Manual for border management has been validated at the Kenya School of Government (KSG).

Organized by the Border Management Secretariat (BMS) in partnership with KSG, the event was also graced by National Government officers drawn from different agencies including the Kenya Coast Guard Service (KCGS), Department of Immigration, the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), the National Police Service (NPS) and the National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC), among others. 

BMS Secretary, Mr. Kennedy Nyaiyo, hailed the event as a step in the right direction in regards to equipping Government officers stationed at Kenya’s points of entry and exit with up-to-date skills and knowledge for ensuring delivery of services to Kenyans is smooth.

“The Manual will be a training guide that will help equip border officers with the relevant skills to ensure that delivery of services are synchronized and advanced enough to respond to emerging issues and challenges,” he said. 

The occasion had been preceded by another validation exercise of the Kenya Coordinated Border Management Programme on 3rd February, 2021. The event was also held at the KSG.

Mr. Nyaiyo said he was proud after both the training manuals underwent successful peer reviews and subsequent validation after development by teams from the Secretariat and KSG in Mombasa County in 2020.

“The Curriculum and the Facilitator’s Manual is the basis for which we hope that that the whole-of-Government approach is going to be enhanced even more, Mr. Nyaiyo said.

It’s expected that the training guides will also help continue the enhancement of security and promotion of legitimate trade and travel.

The development of a Curriculum and Manual was sanctioned by the Border Control and Operations Coordination Committee (BCOCC). A date for the official unveiling is yet to be set.